Hello again!


We are just over two months into our floating adventure and it has been just that, an adventure! We are still docked at Kennedy Point Yacht Club in Titusville, FL. Our tentative plan is to leave here sometime in October and start heading south along the Florida coast. Exact date and exact destination are TBD.

Doug and I have learned a lot in these first days of living aboard. We have been able to get the boat out of the marina and out to openish waters to practice our sailing skills. For the most part, everything has gone well. We underestimated the wind once and had quite the adventure getting out and back into our slip. Fortunately, our marina community is FABULOUS and many people came running to give us a hand and keep us laughing, reminding us that everyone was new at one point so don’t feel bad. Our neighbor, Danny, has offered many helpful tips and tricks. I must remember to buy him a 24 pack of Pepsi before we leave.

Maizey and Crew have learned a lot as well. 1) Lizards are just as much fun to chase as mice. 2) The water puppies (manatees) are our friends. 3) Watch where you are going on the dock or you may get wet.

We have loved having a few visitors to Delfin! Doug’s sister, Dawn, and her husband, Nick, were our very first visitors aboard in early July. Lauren and her boyfriend, Brannin, came and stayed on the boat with us for a few days towards the end of July. Most recently, my aunt and uncle, Jim and Carol Hardenbrook, were blown in for a couple days from Tampa by Hurricane Idalia.

All 4 of us have made many friends here at the marina. Maizey and Crew love to visit Scott and Victoria on their motor yacht, Rule 11. I’m not sure if they are more excited to visit them or their ice machine. As you can see below, Maizey has no problems making herself right at home.

We explored many places on land while we have been here. But I will share all of those in the “Places of Interest.” If you are ever down this way, let us know and we can recommend several places to visit!

I think that’s all I have for now. What questions do you have about our life on Delfin?

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